Park Primary School

'Hand in hand, together we can'

A message from Mrs Cox

Good morning Everyone! I hope you are all staying nice and safe at home and enjoying engaging with the learning your teachers have been working so hard to provide for you.
Yesterday was a stressful day as when all the staff working from home logged on, the system was overloaded. We got there in the end but thank you for your patience and support.
It has been lovely to see all that you have been up to through photos on Seesaw! Teachers have been keeping a register of who has responded to the check-in question and engaging with work. Today is day 3 and Mrs Campbell and I will be phoning anyone we haven’t heard from this afternoon to check you are ok. If you haven’t responded to check-in questions or learning at home yet, please do so today and save yourselves a phone call!

Please stay safe! Missing you all!
Best wishes
Mrs Cox

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